Category: Freedom of Expression & Internet

  • Heavy jail sentences for three bloggers after sham trial

    Published on Monday 24 September 2012 Reporters Without Borders is outraged by the harsh and unjust jail sentences that a court imposed today on three bloggers on charges of anti-state propaganda at the end of a summary trial in southern Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City. Nguyen Van Hai (who used the blog name of Dieu…

  • Viet Nam: Bloggers’ shameful jail sentences aim to stifle free speech

    Press Release 24 September 2012 Harsh prison sentences handed down to three bloggers accused of spreading anti-state propaganda in Viet Nam after a trial which lasted only a few hours are nothing short of a shameful attempt to silence dissent in the country, Amnesty International said. Nguyen Van Hai, known as Dieu Cay (“the peasant’s…

  • Vietnam convicts 3 bloggers for criticizing government; sentences range from 4 to 12 years

    CHRIS BRUMMITT, Associated Press, Updated: September 24, 2012 – 5:11 AM HANOI, Vietnam – A Vietnamese court issued jail sentences ranging from four to 12 years on Monday to three bloggers who wrote about human rights abuses, corruption and foreign policy, intensifying a crackdown on citizens’ use of the Internet to criticize the government. The cases…

  • Viet Nam: Release bloggers, stop harassing their family and friends

    Amnesty International Press Release, 21 September 2012 Three bloggers who face up to 20 years in jail simply for exercising their right to freedom of expression should be released immediately and unconditionally, Amnesty International said today, ahead of their trial at Ho Chi Minh City’s People’s Court on Monday 24 September 2012. Their trial comes…

  • Vietnam: Drop Charges Against and Release Bloggers

    Prime Minister Leads Assault on Critics, Shutters Blogs Human Rights Watch (New York, September 21, 2012) – Vietnamese authorities should drop all charges against three prominent bloggers and immediately release them, Human Rights Watch said today. The People’s Court of Ho Chi Minh City is scheduled to try Nguyen Van Hai (known as Dieu Cay),…

  • Danlambao: We will not be silenced

    By Danlambao Editoral Team/CPJ Guest Bloggers On September 12, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung issued an administrative order–number 7169–accusing us, Danlambao, of “publishing information that is false, fabricated, and untruthful to slander the leadership of the nation, to agitate the people against the Party and the State, to cause doubts and create bad publicity…

  • Vietnam’s press freedom shrinks despite open economy

    CPJ Special Report, September 19, 2012 HANOI When Vietnamese police first detained blogger Nguyen Van Hai in 2008, they told his family it was for his own protection from Chinese secret agents angered by his reporting. Hai, widely known by his blog name, Dieu Cay (Peasant’s Pipe), had reported on local protests against China—rare events…

  • Dissidents and families targeted, covert harassment and reprisals

    Published on Tuesday 18 September 2012 Reporters Without Borders is appalled by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s directive calling on the authorities to impose “serious punishments” on those responsible for three popular anti-corruption blogs that he described as “slanderous.” The organization also deplores the arrest of the wife of the jailed journalist and blogger Dieu…

  • Under fire, Vietnamese bloggers keep up dissent

    By AP News Sep 14, 2012 1:55PM UTC HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Vietnam’s government has vowed to crack down on three dissident blogs, a move that appeared to backfire Thursday as record numbers of people visited the sites and the bloggers pledged to keep up their struggle for freedom of expression. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan…

  • Undercover Reporter Jailed

    RFA, 2012-09-07 Vietnam throws a journalist in prison for bribing police during an undercover investigation. Photo courtesy of Tienphong Online. Hoang Khuong (2nd from L) in court in Ho Chi Minh City, Sept. 7, 2012. In a conviction condemned by rights groups, a Vietnamese journalist has been sentenced to four years in jail for offering…