Category: Freedoms

  • The EU and Vietnam hold dialogue on human rights

    EUROPEA3 U3IO3 Brussels, 25 October 2012 A 474/12 The EU and Vietnam held on 25 October 2012 in Brussels the second round of their annual enhanced Dialogue on Human Rights. In the spirit of the recently-signed EU-Vietnam Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA), the Dialogue was upgraded in January 2012 from a local meeting led by…

  • Vietnam: Make Rights a Priority on EU Visit

    Stress Need to Free Dissidents, Respect Religious Freedom, End Forced Labor Human Rights Watch, October 30, 2012 For Immediate Release (New York, October 30, 2012) – European Union President Herman Van Rompuy should publicly press Vietnam to release all political prisoners and detainees, respect freedom of religion, and abolish forced labor in drug detention centers…

  • NGOs hope for more responsive, independent body

    Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Yohanna Ririhena, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Despite appreciation for its efforts during its first three years, civil society groups in ASEAN urge the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) to strengthen its role and evolve into a credible, independent, responsive and accessible regional human rights body. The recommendation was issued…

  • Vietnam’s Prime Minister Survives Challenge

    Wall Street Journal on-line, October 15, 2012 By JAMES HOOKWAY ReutersProtesters are growing more daring. Above, security forces confront anti-China demonstrators in Hanoi in July. HANOI—Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung survived a leadership challenge Monday as he struggles to stabilize the country’s foundering economy, but he and other top leaders now face growing pressure…

  • Free speech in Vietnam – Bloggers Flogged

    Oct 4th 2012,  5:44 by L.H. | HO CHI MINH CITY VIETNAMESE  justice can be swift as well as ferocious, as three bloggers discovered almost  as soon as they came before the People’s Court of Ho Chi Minh City, charged with  having made propaganda against the state. Their case has upset Western  governments and infuriated…

  • Vietnam struggles to crack down on activist blogs

    By CHRIS BRUMMITT | Associated Press – Fri, Sep 28, 2012 2:35 AM EDT HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — The 7-iron resting against the wall in Le Quoc Quan’s office is for self-defense, not sport. The human-rights lawyer and blogger has not left home without the golf club since being beaten last month by iron-bar-wielding men…

  • Vietnamese Buddhist Leader denounces imprisonment of bloggers

    STATEMENTOF THE EXECUTIVE INSTITUTE OF THE UNIFIED BUDDHIST CHURCH OF VIETNAM ON THE ABSURD TRIAL OF THREE BLOGGERS ON 24.9.2012 calling on Vietnamese and international human rights organisations all over the world to support the Vietnamese people in their quest for internationally-recognised human rights On 19 June 1919, four Vietnamese patriots in Paris signed a…

  • Vietnam on the roll to suppress freedom of expression

    Quote attributable to Phil Robertson, Deputy Director, Asia Division, Human Rights Watch Posted on Tháng Chín 27, 2012 | Để lại phản hồi VRNs (Sep 27th. 2012) – HRW – “A day after delivering long prison terms to the three leaders of the “Club for Free Journalists”, Vietnam’s abusive ‘Big Brother’ campaign against free speech…

  • UN Rights Chief Dismayed By Harsh Sentencing Of Vietnam Bloggers

    9/25/2012 5:41 PM ET (RTTNews) – UN human rights chief Navi Pillay on Tuesday expressed her deep concern and dismay over the conviction and harsh sentencing of three dissident bloggers in Vietnam a day earlier on charges of spreading anti-government propaganda. Pillay noted that the jailing of the bloggers reflected a trend of increasing restrictions…

  • Heavy jail sentences for three bloggers after sham trial

    Published on Monday 24 September 2012 Reporters Without Borders is outraged by the harsh and unjust jail sentences that a court imposed today on three bloggers on charges of anti-state propaganda at the end of a summary trial in southern Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City. Nguyen Van Hai (who used the blog name of Dieu…