Category: Freedoms

  • UN Envoy Accuses Vietnam of ‘Serious Violations’ of Religious Freedom

    RFA 2014-07-31 A special U.N. envoy on a mission to Vietnam has accused the authoritarian government of “serious violations” of religious freedom and said the country’s police harassed and intimidated people he had wanted to meet in the course of his investigations. Heiner Bielefeldt, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion, acknowledged that…

  • Standing up for human rights in Vietnam

    The Washington Post By Cu Huy Ha Vu, Published: May 16 Cu Huy Ha Vu is a constitutional scholar who twice sued Vietnam’s current prime minister for unlawful conduct. Since his release from a Vietnamese prison last month, he has lived in Northern Virginia. Facing mounting pressure by the international community and seeking trade and…

  • Viet Nam land grabbing case needs to be urgently addressed – UN human rights experts

    GENEVA (26 March 2014) – A group of United Nations independent human rights experts on Wednesday called on the Vietnamese Government to intervene urgently in a case of forced eviction of the last remaining residents of Con Dau, a small village located on the outskirts of Da Nang city in central Viet Nam. “This appears…

  • Hmong Ordered Jailed for Defying Vietnamese Government Campaign

    2014-03-14 A provincial court in northern Vietnam on Friday sentenced a Hmong Christian to 18 months in jail for defying a government campaign forcing the ethnic minority group to return to older funeral practices now considered wasteful by many in the community. Hoang Van Sang, 60, was handed an 18-month jail term by a court…

  • Former Vietnamese Official Jailed for Critical Blog Posts

    March 19, 2014 by Marianne Brown Phạm Viết Đào, 62, on Wednesday became the latest blogger in Vietnam to receive a jail term for criticizing the government, as Hanoi continues an increasing crackdown against online dissident.   After a two-hour trial at the Hanoi People’s Court, Đào was sentenced to 15 months in prison for “abusing…

  • Vietnam Tightens the Squeeze on Its Bloggers

    By Shawn Crispin When Vietnamese blogger Nguyen Lan Thang left his home in Hanoi to report on the trial of a group of political activists charged with anti-state crimes, he switched off his mobile phone to avoid government surveillance of his movements. Despite taking that precaution, the police raided the hotel where he was staying…

  • Members of Congress Call for the Release of Imprisoned Vietnamese Labor Activists

    For Immediate Release February 10, 2014 Contact:          Patrick Griffith                        [email protected]                        +1 (202) 223-3733 Washington, D.C.: Today, eleven members of the House of Representatives joined a public letter to Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang calling for the release of three imprisoned labor rights activists. Among the signatories are Representatives Frank Wolf and James McGovern, the Co-Chairs…

  • Lawmakers ‘adopt’ prisoners in human rights push

    By Julian Pecquet January 18, 2014, 02:20 pm Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill are teaming up to bring the plight of human rights defenders to light by adopting prisoners of conscience from around the world. Twenty-one House members have agreed to sponsor a total of 19 imprisoned human rights defenders from Iran, China and…

  • Christian Solidarity Worldwide welcomes the launch of the Campaign to Abolish Torture in Vietnam (CAT-VN)

    CSW’s research and the new report by CAT-VN entitled ‘Torture and Abuse of Political and Religious Prisoners in Vietnam’ find that the torture of prisoners, and in particular religious and political prisoners, is still prevalent in police stations and check points, prisons and other places of detention across the country. In 2013, several incidences of…

  • HRW World Report: Vietnam human rights situations deteriorated significantly in 2013.

    Human Rights Watch The human rights situation in Vietnam deteriorated significantly in 2013, worsening a trend evident for several years. The year was marked by a severe and intensifying crackdown on critics, including long prison terms for many peaceful activists whose “crime” was calling for political change. The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) continued its…