Category: East Sea Dispute

  • ASEAN Unifies Voice for China Talks

    VOA News August 14, 2013 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) foreign ministers have agreed to “speak with one voice” during talks on a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. In preparation for upcoming talks with China, the group’s foreign ministers held a one-day retreat in the Thai resort town of Hua Hin Wednesday. A…

  • Amid tensions, Chinese fruit a turnoff in Vietnam

    By CHRIS BRUMMITT, Associated Press – 3 days ago HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Jack Nguyen had sold 20 of his 30 containers of imported American grapes when fresh rumors hit the Internet and state-run media: Chinese fruit on sale in Vietnam might look good, but it contains deadly levels of preservatives and pesticides. Shoppers quickly…

  • In Vietnam, Anti-China Protests Get Creative

    Voice of America, Marianne Brown January 25, 2013 HANOI — In the face of growing constraints on freedom of speech by Vietnamese authorities, protesters who oppose Chinese policies and trade practices are finding inventive ways to express themselves. With stories of carcinogenic bras and toxic apples from China prevalent in the Vietnamese media, many people…

  • Does Hanoi deal with Beijing for its people, or for itself?

    January 12th, 2013 Author: Hai Hong Nguyen, UQ China’s recent aggression in the South China Sea has provoked civic protests in the two largest cities of Vietnam. Participating in these protests were nationally well-known personalities, scholars, young people and students. In successive meetings with their Chinese counterparts, Vietnamese officials have agreed that they would not allow…

  • The South China Sea: “Lake Beijing”

    The Diplomat, Jan 7, 2013 What is a “lake” in maritime strategy? Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe published an op-ed in Project Syndicate last week maintaining that Chinese power is increasingly transfiguring the South China Sea into “Lake Beijing.” That sounds ominous. To counteract China’s primacy in southern waters, argues Abe, Japan must augment its…

  • Challenging ASEAN:The US Pivot Through Southeast Asia’s Eyes

    December 2012 By Donald K. Emmerson The US pivot toward Asia has been viewed largely through the lens of American security and economic competition with China. Within that context, writes Donald K. Emmerson, Washington is also deepening its involvement in ASEAN in terms of both security and trade. At stake is ASEAN’s vaunted centrality as…

  • State secrets revealed in Vietnam

    By David Brown Asia Times, Dec 22, 2012 One afternoon in mid-December, Colonel Tran Dang Thanh shared his views on foreign affairs with an audience of deans and professors drawn from Hanoi’s many universities. Like all Vietnamese Communist Party business, Thanh’s comments were considered state secrets. However, unbeknownst to Thanh, who teaches at Vietnam’s top…

  • Dispute Flares Over Energy in South China Sea

    By JANE PERLEZ Published: December 4, 2012 BEIJING — China and two of its neighbors, Vietnam and India, were locked in a new dispute on Tuesday over energy exploration in the South China Sea, a signal that Beijing plans to continue its hard line in the increasingly contentious waterway. Vietnam accused a Chinese fishing boat…

  • Indian navy prepared to deploy to South China Sea

    The Indian navy is prepared to deploy vessels to the South China Sea to protect India’s oil interests there, the navy chief said on Monday amid growing international fears over the potential for naval clashes in the disputed region. India has sparred diplomatically with China in the past over its gas and oil exploration block…

  • China Seeks to Calm Anger Over Passports

    Wall Street Journal By CRIS LARANO in Manila and NGUYEN PHAM MUOI and NGUYEN ANH THU in Hanoi China appeared to seek to assuage angry neighbors over a passport design they consider provocative, one day after the U.S. said it would raise the issue with Beijing. A map printed in new Chinese passports depicts as…