Category: East Sea Dispute

  • Indecision and Infighting: That’s the Asean Way

    By MARK MCDONALD View From Asia November 20, 2012, 11:23 pm HONG KONG — Southeast Asian leaders have failed — again — to make any headway on resolving the dangerous territorial disputes over various islands in the South China Sea. At their regional summit meeting this week, they could not even agree to  set up…

  • Obama wades into thorny Asian territorial row

    PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — President Barack Obama’s attendance at an annual summit of Southeast Asian leaders on Tuesday thrust him right in the eye of the region’s most stormy dispute: the long-raging rivalry between China and five neighbors for control of strategic and resource-rich waters in the South China Sea. The inability to resolve these…

  • Much at stake for US as tensions rise in troubled China Seas

        Masataka Morita / AP A boat from Hong Kong, center, is surrounded by Japanese Coast Guard vessels after Chinese activists landed on Uotsuri Island, one of the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands, on Aug. 15. By NBC News staff Vast oil reserves, trillion-dollar trade routes, fervent nationalist sentiments, competing territorial claims and bitter histories…

  • Malaysia urges ASEAN to unite over South China Sea

    August 13, 2012 KOTA KINABALU: Malaysia’s foreign minister urged Southeast Asian countries on Sunday to settle their overlapping claims in the South China Sea before bringing them up with Beijing. Anifah Aman’s comments, following an hour-long meeting with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi, imply that Malaysia wants ASEAN to present a more united front against…

  • Vietnam detains anti-China demonstrators

    Margie Mason Vietnam detains anti-China demonstrators ADD NAME OF ONE OF THE PROTESTERS WHO WAS  ARRESTED – FILE – In this Sunday, July 1, 2012 file photo, about 200  protesters march through the capital’s streets, in Hanoi Vietnam,  following China’s recent announcement that it will open nine oil and gas lots to international bidders, even…

  • Tensions Rise Over South China Sea

    Beijing Resents U.S. Involvement in the Long-disputed  Area, Summons U.S. Official to Express ‘Dissatisfaction’ BEIJING—China summoned a U.S. diplomat  to refute a State Department accusation that Beijing is hampering diplomatic  efforts to defuse long-simmering tensions over the disputed South China Sea. The Foreign Ministry said on its website late Saturday that it summoned the  U.S.…

  • China protests US State Department remarks on South China Sea

    By Reuters, August 4, 2012 BEIJING – China’s Foreign Ministry has called in a senior U.S.  diplomat to  protest remarks by the U.S. State Department raising concerns over   tensions in the disputed South China Sea. In a statement released late on Saturday, China’s  Foreign Ministry said  Assistant Foreign Minister Zhang Kunsheng summoned the  U.S. Embassy’s …

  • US Senate passes resolution to support ASEAN in the East Sea Dispute

    SRES 524 IS 112th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 524 Reaffirming the strong support of the United States for the 2002 declaration of conduct of parties in the South China Sea among the member states of ASEAN and the People’s Republic of China, and for other purposes. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES…

  • Calming the South China Sea

    By Gareth Evans The Straits Times CANBERRA – The South China Sea – long regarded, together with the Taiwan Strait and the Korean Peninsula, as one of East Asia’s three major flashpoints – is making waves again. China’s announcement of a troop deployment to the Paracel Islands follows a month in which competing territorial claimants…

  • South China Sea: From Bad to Worse?

    By Joshua Kurlantzick, Fellow for Southeast AsiaJuly 24, 2012 Tensions in the South China Sea have risen to their highest level in at least two years in the wake of the disastrous breakup of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) foreign ministers meeting in Phnom Penh. Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan, an eternal optimist, admitted that the…