Category: News

  • Vietnam’s leadership: WE FORGIVE US

    The Economist Oct 16th 2012, 11:29 by L.H. | HO CHI MINH CITY AT THE weekend a court in Ho Chi Minh City fined a mischievous drunk for causing public disorder while under the influence of alcohol. Pham Van Binh, a 43-year-old cycle-rickshaw puller, had climbed the bronze statue of General Tran Nguyen Han, a…


    The Economist With little prospect of meaningful reform, the economy could get even shakier Sep 15th 2012 | HANOI | from the print edition FOR A Communist leadership that prides itself on bringing political and economic stability to its 90m subjects, the past few weeks in Vietnam must have seemed like a nightmare. There have…

  • Vietnam’s Prime Minister Survives Challenge

    Wall Street Journal on-line, October 15, 2012 By JAMES HOOKWAY ReutersProtesters are growing more daring. Above, security forces confront anti-China demonstrators in Hanoi in July. HANOI—Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung survived a leadership challenge Monday as he struggles to stabilize the country’s foundering economy, but he and other top leaders now face growing pressure…

  • Nguyen Chi Thien, a Vietnamese poet, died on October 2nd, aged 73

    Oct 13th 2012 THE poems were under his shirt, 400 of them. The date was July 16th 1979, just two days—he noted it—after the anniversary of the fall of the Bastille. Freedom day. He ran through the gate of the British embassy in Hanoi, past the guard, demanding to see the ambassador. The guard couldn’t…

  • Rogue blogs signal tension as Vietnam tries to fix economic woes

    Stuart Grudgings Reuters4:06 p.m. CDT, October 9, 2012 (Reuters) – When one of Vietnam’s richest and best-connected bankers was arrested in August, a move that sent the country’s stock market tumbling, a little-known blog broke the news hours ahead of state media. It was the first sign that the Quan Lam Bao website could be…

  • From Tiger to Pussycat: How Vietnam’s Economy Got Off Track

    Newsweek, October 1, 2012 Vietnam’s economy was promising. How the country got off track. The old quarter in Hanoi, Vietnam’s capital. (Christophe Archambault / AFP-Getty Images) Almost exactly two years ago this week, Christine Gregoire, the governor of the U.S. state of Washington, was in Vietnam handing out french fries made from potatoes grown in…

  • Moody’s Cuts Vietnam’s Credit Rating

    By: RFA September 29, 2012 Global ratings agency Moody’s on Friday lowered its credit rating for Vietnam, saying the government faced an “elevated risk” of bailing out the nation’s banks, which are mired in toxic debt. Vietnam is expected to be hit by lower medium-term economic growth stemming from its banking problems, Moody’s Investors Service…

  • Vietnam on the roll to suppress freedom of expression

    Quote attributable to Phil Robertson, Deputy Director, Asia Division, Human Rights Watch Posted on Tháng Chín 27, 2012 | Để lại phản hồi VRNs (Sep 27th. 2012) – HRW – “A day after delivering long prison terms to the three leaders of the “Club for Free Journalists”, Vietnam’s abusive ‘Big Brother’ campaign against free speech…

  • UN Rights Chief Dismayed By Harsh Sentencing Of Vietnam Bloggers

    9/25/2012 5:41 PM ET (RTTNews) – UN human rights chief Navi Pillay on Tuesday expressed her deep concern and dismay over the conviction and harsh sentencing of three dissident bloggers in Vietnam a day earlier on charges of spreading anti-government propaganda. Pillay noted that the jailing of the bloggers reflected a trend of increasing restrictions…

  • Heavy jail sentences for three bloggers after sham trial

    Published on Monday 24 September 2012 Reporters Without Borders is outraged by the harsh and unjust jail sentences that a court imposed today on three bloggers on charges of anti-state propaganda at the end of a summary trial in southern Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City. Nguyen Van Hai (who used the blog name of Dieu…