Part of the 1997 Sect’s impersonating plot

The “real” Cao Dai Overseas Missionary Inc.

Cao Dai Overseas Missionary was incorporated in or around 1992 and registered with the IRS as tax-exempt organization in 1993. However, it was only a place-holder until its charter was adopted at the convention held in September 1998 in Montreal, Canada. Cao Dai Religion. Participants were Cao Dai clergy members or lay leaders coming from different parts of the world; some of them represented the different temples affiliated with Cao Dai Religion. A number of convention participants were tasked to draft its charter, which was adopted by the general assembly of convention participants on September 6, 1998. Mr. Canh Quang Tran was elected the first Chair of the Representative Council of Cao Dai Overseas Missionary. The 1998 Charter was amended in 2000, both sharing practically the same key points.

After being expelled from Cao Dai Overseas Missionary in 2005, in 2012 Tran incorporated in the State of California a new organization with almost the same name: Caodai Overseas Missionary. He has made many people believe that his new creation was the same Cao Dai Overseas Missionary that was established in 1998. As part of his deception scheme, in all communications and on his business card Tran uses “Cao Dai Overseas Missionary” instead of the name of his organization: “Caodai Overseas Missionary.” This has even confused the website. As of August 29, 2019 this organization’s registration has been suspended by California’s Franchise Tax Board.

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