Houston woman worried for sister reportedly held as sex slave in Russia

By Lise Olsen
February 23, 2013 11:30 AM

The cries for help arrived via international phone calls from Moscow to Houston.

They came from Huynh Thi Be-Huong in the last week who was reaching out to her sister, using the cellphone of a couple who she claims forced her to work as a sex slave at a Russian brothel for more than a year.

The couple, she said, was holding her hostage after she briefly escaped and reported them to the police, according to documents and interviews with human rights officials in Houston who are investigating the case.

The Vietnamese woman’s increasingly desperate family in Texas has pleaded for help from Houston-based members of Congress, Vietnamese government officials and human rights activists, according to letters and emails provided to the Chronicle by the non-profit Boat People SOS – a U.S.-based human rights organization that has a Houston office and serves as a leading opponent of human trafficking worldwide.

Read more: http://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Houston-woman-worried-for-sister-in-Russia-4301768.php#ixzz2Ll3iZGAg

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