Weak enforcement hampers Vietnam’s anti-corruption efforts

Mon, 12 Sep 2011 11:34 GMT

Source: Content partner // Thomson Reuters Accelus

A bank staff stacks Vietnamese dong banknotes at a bank in Hanoi 29/11/2010 REUTERS/Nguyen Huy Kham

Vietnam continues to be hampered in its anti-corruption efforts despite its government’s recognition of the gravity of the problem and a national strategy aimed at eradicating nationwide corruption. Experts cited a lack of political will, the challenge in moving swiftly from legislation, implementation to enforcement, and a general pessimism among the Vietnamese people as the three main factors that have beset initiatives intended to rid the country of corruption. The 2010 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) of Transparency International placed Vietnam on 116 out of 178 countries globally with a score at the lower end of 2.7 out of 10 points. Vietnam’s ranking on CPI, carried out by experts, was consistent with that on Global Corruption Barometer, which measures a country’s level of corruption based on the views and voices of citizens of countries.

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