AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL’s Annual Report for 2012 – Vietnam


Amnesty International’s Annual Report for 2012, which was released on the same day (May 24) as the State Department’s Country Reports, reaches similar conclusions.  “Harsh repression of dissidents continued” inVietnam, the Amnesty report stated, “with severe restrictions on freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly. Critics of government policies were targeted, including social and political activists. At least nine dissident trials took place, with 20 defendants.  Vaguely worded provisions of the 1999 Penal Code were used to, in effect, criminalize peaceful political and social dissent. The government continued to censor the internet, although use of social networking sites reportedly increased as people used circumvention tools to bypass restrictions. Dozens of prisoners of conscience remained in prison. Religious and ethnic groups perceived to be opposing the government continued to face human rights violations. According to media reports, 23 people were sentenced to death and five executed; the true numbers are believed to be higher. Official statistics on the death penalty remained classified.”

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