Buddhist leader calls for demonstrations against China’s territorial expansionism


According to the Paris-based International Buddhist Information Bureau, the Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, is calling for mass demonstrations across the country on Sunday July 1 to protest China’s recent acts of aggression in its long-steanding policy of territorial encroachment agaisnt Vietnam.

The Most Venerable Thich Quang Do plans to himself lead the demonstration in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) despite being held under “temple” arrest by the Vietnamese authorities. Already there are reports that the public security police has surrounded the temple where the Patriarch resides so as to block his participation in the demonstration.

For more information contact:

International Buddhist Information Bureau
B.P. 60063 – 94472 Boissy Saint Léger cedex (France) – Tel.: (Paris) (331) 45 98 30 85
Fax : Paris (331) 45 98 32 61 – E-mail : [email protected]
Web : http://www.queme.net



“To all religious leaders, intellectuals, members of political parties, youth movements, students, young people and all Vietnamese at home and abroad,

“For thousands of years, China has systematically sought to invade our country by one way or another. It has never abandoned the “Great Han” expansionist dream.

“Today, the Paracel and Spratly islands, as well as significant areas of northern Vietnam are under China’s control. Chinese settlers have been sent to occupy the Central highlands and mountainous regions in ten Vietnamese provinces under different forms, such as working on bauxite mining projects or renting forest areas for long-term periods of periods of 50 years and more.

“China has established the “Sansha City” covering the islands of Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) which historically belong to Vietnam.

“Since 2005, China has shot and killed Vietnamese fishermen, confiscating their ships and property. It has arrested Vietnamese fishermen and even demanded ransom for their release like common bandits.

“China has blatantly and brazenly violated our sovereignty. Yet the Vietnamese authorities, caught up in their pledges of friendship and the Chinese motto of “16 golden words and 4 rules of good relationship”, have not clearly distinguished between friend and foe. So far, their protests have been formal and feeble, only helping to stimulate China’s momentum in encroaching even further into our waters and lands with total impunity.

“At the same time, Hanoi has opened its northern borders, allowing the free flow of Chinese into our country which Hanoi is powerless to control.

“Chinese settlers have set up “Chinatowns” and off-limits zones in provinces such as Binh Duong, Lam Dong and many other places where Vietnamese are forbidden to tread.

“And now, China has brazenly launched an invitation for international bids on nine oil and gas lots that are within Vietnamese territorial waters.

“Recognizing the danger of a new Chinese domination of our homeland, the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam calls upon all Vietnamese people, at home and abroad, irrespective of their opinions, religion, gender or age, to stage public demonstrations on 1st July 2012 in order to denounce Chinese incursions and protect the sovereignty of our nation.

“I pray for the safety and security of our homeland. May all the heroes, both men and women, who have protected Vietnam throughout our history, be with us as we stand together today against foreign domination.

“I wish the Vietnamese people success in their commitment and action”.

Saigon, 28 June 2012
On behalf of the UBCV Bi-Cameral Council
Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam
Sramana Thich Quang Do

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