Arrests, surveillance and intimidation used to prevent destabilization


Reporters Without Borders, July 18, 2010

Reporters Without Borders condemns a new crackdown on Vietnam’s bloggers and human rights activists.

“The authorities are stopping at nothing to silence dissidents, following them, assaulting them, subjecting them to heavy-handed interrogation and holding them illegally,” Reporters Without Borders said. “They are acting like thugs with peaceful bloggers because they fear that a wave of anti-Chinese demonstrations could pose a threat to internal stability.

“Activists whose only crime is having tried to satisfy their fellow citizens’ right to news and information must be released without delay. We also call for the immediate release of Nguyen Van Hai, a blogger better known by the pen-name of Dieu Cay, who continues to be harassed while detained.”

Read full story:,43061.html

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