Tensions Rise Over South China Sea


Beijing Resents U.S. Involvement in the Long-disputed  Area, Summons U.S. Official to Express ‘Dissatisfaction’

BEIJING—China summoned a U.S. diplomat  to refute a State Department accusation that Beijing is hampering diplomatic  efforts to defuse long-simmering tensions over the disputed South China Sea.

The Foreign Ministry said on its website late Saturday that it summoned the  U.S. deputy chief of mission in Beijing, Robert Wang, to present “strong  dissatisfaction and firm opposition” to a U.S. statement on Friday. On Friday,  the U.S. said China’s recent decision to establish a military garrison in the  South China Sea and elevate the administrative status of an island outpost in  waters claimed by China, the Philippines and others risked further inflaming  tension there.

A spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Beijing confirmed Mr. Wang met with  Chinese officials on Saturday but declined to provide details.

Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443659204577570514282930558.html?mod=googlenews_wsj

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