Vietnam’s Prime Minister Survives Challenge

Wall Street Journal on-line, October 15, 2012


[image] ReutersProtesters are growing more daring. Above, security forces confront anti-China demonstrators in Hanoi in July.

HANOI—Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung survived a leadership challenge Monday as he struggles to stabilize the country’s foundering economy, but he and other top leaders now face growing pressure from a new and pervasive threat here: the Internet.

Ruling Communist Party Secretary-General Nguyen Phu Trong acknowledged in a televised broadcast that the party had mishandled the management of Vietnam’s economy, which is now facing mounting bad debts and slowing growth rates that are taking the shine off what had been one of Asia’s brightest economic success stories. Speaking at the end of a two-week meeting that analysts viewed as a judgment on Mr. Dung’s performance, Mr. Trong urged the Politburo, the country’s top policy-making body, to overcome its weaknesses and exert stronger leadership.

Mr. Dung wasn’t mentioned by name, but analysts say it was a scorching rebuke for a man who has built a considerable power base in the government and bureaucracy since being appointed in 2006, and the verdict will likely spread more power among other key Politburo members. The prime minister couldn’t be reached to comment.

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