Hard Times for Press Freedom in Asia


The Diplomat,

By Zachary Keck

February 1, 2013

Nearly half of the twenty countries with the least amount of press freedom in the world are located in the Asia-Pacific, according to Reporters Without Borders’ 2013 World Press Freedom Index.

Of the twenty countries making the bottom of the list, nine are located in the Asia-Pacific. In ascending order these countries are: North Korea, Iran, China, Vietnam, Laos, Uzbekistan, Laos, Sri Lanka and Kazakhstan.

Of these nine “worst of the worst,” only Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan saw significant changes from their positions during the last year, with the former dropping six spots and the latter declining by seven spots from the 2012 World Press Freedom Index.
Read more: http://thediplomat.com/the-editor/2013/02/01/hard-times-for-press-freedom-in-asia/

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