Southeast Asia human rights ‘stagnating’: US officials

Agence France-Presse
Posted at 03/22/2013 8:56 AM | Updated as of 03/22/2013 8:56 AM
WASHINGTON – US officials voiced concern Thursday about human rights in fast-growing Southeast Asian nations, pointing to a lack of progress in many places and a worsening situation in some.

As the United States pursues its rebalance toward Asia, it is also paying greater attention to human rights in many countries such as Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam, State Department officials told lawmakers.

“Human rights is one of the more difficult issues we raise with our partners, but we must raise them,” Acting Assistant Secretary for East Asian Affairs Joseph Yun told a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee.

In November, Southeast Asian leaders endorsed a controversial human rights pact, hailing it as a landmark accord to help protect some 600 million people.

But critics said it had left too many loopholes for ASEAN, which groups a diverse range of political systems ranging from authoritarian regimes in Laos and Vietnam to freewheeling democracies such as the Philippines.

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