Deutsche Bank divests from Vietnamese land grabber HAGL following Global Witness’ expose

3rd December 2013               

Deutsche Bank no longer holds any  significant stock in Vietnamese rubber giant Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL)  Global Witness has learned. The decision comes after the campaign  group’s research revealed a wide range of environmental and human rights abuses in HAGL’s plantations in Cambodia and Laos. However the bank  would not confirm if the decision came in response to Global Witness’ call last week for HAGL’s investors to divest following repeated failure to address these concerns.

“Deutsche Bank has refused to explain why it has dropped its stake in HAGL, but we were informed of its decision just six days after making  our recommendation that they divest. This move sends a clear message to  HAGL and other companies that lack of action to stamp out this kind of  abuse is unacceptable and poses a financial and reputational risk to  investors,” said Global Witness’ Megan MacInnes.(1)

Deutsche Bank has invested in HAGL for many years, and its subsidiary (Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas) acted as HAGL’s depository bank  when the company listed on the London Stock Exchange in 2011. In May  2013, Global Witness’s Rubber Barons report revealed how the company, one of Vietnam’s biggest, was  routinely bulldozing local communities’ land and clearing large areas of intact forest.

Since August 2012, Global Witness has made repeated requests to HAGL  to bring its operations in line with local law, resolve disputes with  affected communities and publicly disclose details of their concessions. Despite making a range of commitments when the report was launched,  Global Witness’ consultations with villagers affected by the company’s  concessions indicate that very little has improved on the ground.(2)

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