The situation of independent religions in Vietnam is gloomy. On-going violations of human rights and the repression of religious freedom have restricted the people of Vietnam from practicing their faith fully and expressing themselves freely.
The Constitution of Vietnam stipulates that “Everyone shall enjoy the freedom of belief and of religion; he can follow any religion or follow none. All religions are equal before the law.” (Article 24) However, the issuance of new regulations with many restrictions on religious activities and the considerable number of crackdowns by local authorities on religious believers in recent years have undermined any improvement that the government has gained in ensuring religious freedom.
The demolition Lien Tri Temple, a century-old pagoda in Thu Thiem, Saigon, illustrates this crackdown against the Buddhist faith. Despite many appeals by the Most Venerable Thich Khong Tanh, the temple’s abbot, and international outcry, on September 8, 2016, the government sent in hundreds of security personnel to forcibly remove Venerable Thich Khong Tanh and other residing monks shut down the temple and then bring in construction workers to demolish it. A very valuable piece of Vietnam history has been destroyed.

Unified Buddhist Church:
Independent Buddhist Communities – Summary (02-21-18)
An Cu Temple, Da Nang (11-03-18)
An Cu Temple, Da Nang (05-13-17) (Vietnamese)
UBCV-BaRia Report, March 2014
Government Expropriation of Lien Tri Buddhist Temple (08-30-14)
Lien Tri Buddhist Temple Incident Report — August 2014 (Vietnamese)
Lien Tri Pagoda – Incident Report Sep 2014
Suppression of the Unified Buddhist Shanga (09-22-14)

An Dan Dai Dao Buddhist Sect:
An Dan Dai Dao – Case summary; List of Religious Prisoners; Health Conditions of Prisoners; Expropriation of Investment of American Citizens; VINACONEX and VICOSTONE
Vietnam: ICJ urges authorities to provide access to medical treatment in prison and protect the rights of detainees during COVID pandemic (04-06-2020)
Mobile police perpertrators

Thien Am Ben Bo Vu Tru:
Negative Impacts of Religious Persecution on Ten Child Monks at Thiền Am Bên Bờ Vũ Trụ (TABBVT)

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